The Washington Youth Academy Foundation provides needed support for academic programs and cadet financial assistance including scholarships and job assistance. To accomplish our goals, having a regular donation as little as $10 per month (the cost of just two lattes) makes a big difference in the lives of the young men and women making big changes in their lives. Please consider a monthly donation. Just follow the link in the button below. Thank you for helping.
Ashley Santiago was awarded a scholarship of $750 toward her education at Whatcom Community College in the nursing program. In addition, Ashley was awarded a laptop necessary for her nursing program. We are proud of Ashley and her pursuit of her dreams.
Karen Chak, cadet graduate from class 2013-1 was the first recipient of the Cadet Parker Lang Memorial Scholarship receiving $1,000 toward her degree as a dental hygienist. The Parker Lang scholarship was dedicated by his Mother in honor of her son who tragically lost his life. Parker was a graduate of class 2013-2. Karen said, "it was an honor to receive this scholarship. It will help me achieve my dreams."
The Kitsap Great Give was a very successful fundraiser for the Washington Youth Academy Foundation. We received over $5,000 in donations. After the bonus pool match we should receive nearly $6,000 for academic support and cadet financial assistance. Thank you to all 39 of our donors. We appreciate each and every one of you.
December 2021
AuthorJoe Huden is the Board Chair of the Washington Youth Academy Foundation Board of Directors. Contact the board chair at [email protected] Categories |
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