Friends and family of the Washington Youth Academy, you can help the WYA Foundation raise needed funds to support the academic programs at the Academy, help build a library and fund scholarships for our WYA graduates. Please let your family and friends know about this important event. Every dollar raised earns an additional 15%. Follow the link below to the Academy donation page during the Kitsap Great Give.
Friends and family. It is that time of year when my Washington Youth Academy Foundation is raising funds on the one day of giving on April 23rd. If you are unable to give on that day, you can give early at #KitsapGreatGiveh ttps://
The Kitsap Great Give is the Washington Youth Academy Foundation annual one day fundraiser. We need your support in raising funds to help with Academy programs and especially WYA Cadet Graduate financial assistance for scholarships and more. Here is how you can help. You can start giving on April 9th through April 23rd. I will make a blog post with the link to our donation page.
The value of this event is the Foundation receives a 15% increase from the Kitsap Great Give Bonus Pool. You can also help by asking your employer or local companies to match a portion of what we raise. For example, if your employer matches $1,000, then we reach $1,000 in donations the company matches it. Ask your friends and family to join us in this important fundraiser. The Cadets are counting on us. The financial assistance forms for scholarships and other assistance have been updated. There are new applications for employment and job training related expenses. All WYA graduates are eligible to apply as long as they have continued their Cadet Action Plan and made their monthly contact reports. The Washington Youth Academy Foundation is here for you so you can achieve your dreams. Follow this link to the Financial Assistance Application page [CLICK HERE]
A new scholarship has been established to honor a former WYA Cadet. Leandro Jasso was in class 2011-2. After graduating from high school he joined the Army and became a Ranger. He tragically lost his life in Afghanistan. His Mother has established the Leandro Jasso Scholarship for Leaders to honor her son. The Foundation is proud to play a small part in honoring Leandro. This scholarship is available for Cadet's currently in the program and can be awarded for future continuing education or if out of the program and enrolled in continuing education it can apply now. The policy and forms are on our Financial Support page [click here].
If you join iGive and you get the iGive button for 90 days, the Foundation receives $3.00 just like that. If you do make on-line purchases use the iGive button to shop from over 2,000 on-line retailers. They don't charge more, but the companies make charitable donations up to 26% of your purchase and it comes direct to the Foundation.
Here is what iGive says: "We're giving $3 to Washington Youth Academy Foundation for every new iGive member you refer for them. No purchase required. It doesn't get any simpler. It's another way iGive is 300% (or more!) better than Amazon Smile. Once they try the iGive Button for PCs and Macs for 90 days, we'll automatically credit Washington Youth Academy Foundation with $3. We know that helping is so simple and automatic with the Button, we expect they'll shop and help even more. Feels good, does good, and it's so easy. Travel, office supplies, and clothing, too. Each purchase at Walmart,, QVC, Staples, and so many more stores. Washington Youth Academy Foundation gets an average of 3.00% with every purchase. Amazon Smile is just 0.5%." To join iGive just follow this link: [click here]. Thanks for helping the Washington Youth Academy Foundation. The Kitsap Great Give is coming April 23. This is a fantastic way to donate to the Washington Youth Academy Foundation. We get a match percent from the sponsors of the Great Give. Please let your friends and family know. We will post more information as we get closer.
We could use your help now finding company or corporate donors to match what we raise. They can match up to any amount from $100 to $5,000. Every penny we raise goes directly to support the Youth Academy programs and provide financial assistance to cadet graduates for continuing education to job training and more. We can't do it without your support. We have updated our cadet financial assistance forms and they are available now. Go to the WYA Graduate Financial Assistance Page or click here to go direct. We've made some changes to our financial assistance forms and they will posted soon. Be sure to look for them. We are anxious to help our WYA Grads achieve their dreams. We will have a new e-mail address to send your forms to make it easier to apply. Watch the news blog for the update.
We can use your help passing the word to family and friends to help your cadets succeed by donating during #GivingTuesday. It is coming November 27th and is a great way to make your donation count.
The Washington Youth Academy Foundation has one purpose and that is to help WYA graduates achieve their dreams. We help fund college, trade school, vocational training, job training or job assistance. Whatever the dream we can find a way to help. We can't do it without the generous donations from people like you. Tell your friends and family. The graphic below links directly to our #GivingTuesday page. |
December 2021
AuthorJoe Huden is the Board Chair of the Washington Youth Academy Foundation Board of Directors. Contact the board chair at [email protected] Categories |
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